As electronic devices get chip and frequencies?
The technology sets up a sympathetic resonance between the unique wristband and the transmission hub/device which sends energetic patterns to help balance the bio-field of the recipient.
This process is akin to the principles of morphic fields and the ability to send energetic/quantum information over great distances by creating a suitable bridge. Using our propriety technology we have done exactly this.
MORPHIC RESONANCE AND MORPHIC FIELDS An Introduction. by Rupert Sheldrake-
Why do not you tell us more about the benefits?
Due to strict advertising guidelines we aren't allowed to make any health claims regarding our products.
This is the same for all companies selling food supplements or holistic products including medical devices, magnetic jewellery, ion bracelets, homeopathy, reiki and massage therapies, energy treatments and healings.
This is why you won't find us making all sorts of claims. Yes, it can be really frustrating when health benefits are documented.
Even when clinical trials have taken place, like they have for YTE the ingredient in our AminoBoosters for many decades, we are unable to refer to them.
Even when people have gained benefits for thousands of years, like they have from many of the ingredients of our products, we cannot tell you about them.
What we can do, however, is to publish independent customer reviews in an unedited form ... and we have 100's of those! So if you haven't already learnt about our products from someone who has experienced a change from using them, then please head on over to our review section LINK TO RELEVANT SECTION where you will find tons of genuine reviews from real customers all over the world.
Many of the ingredients of our products are approved for health applications in many hospitals around the world. Just one example is in Japan, where negative ions are used to treat all kinds of illnesses. Doctors in the UK are increasingly prescribing magnetic jewellery to clients as a complimentary therapy to traditional medicine. Doctors in Norway and around the world recommend YTE to many of their patients. In Australia, the TGA has approved frequency machines to assist in the control of arthritis while numerous clinical studies report that low-intensity, intermediate-frequency profoundly inhibit the growth rate of malignant tumors (source: ). We are not implying that any of the above is related to any of our products. We are prevented by law from reporting any linkage, causation or history. You can make up your own mind.
We like to bring you as much information as possible, based on scientific fact, proven results and evidence from around the world.
So with our 30 day money back guarantee you really have nothing to lose in trying our products ... whatever you may be trying to achieve.
What is the guarantee?
Get Your Boom! Back Products are Triple-Guaranteed -
Guarantee One: 100% of purchase price refunded if returned within 30 days. Shipping costs not included.
Guarantee Two: 100% Pure, Organic and Original YTE® direct from the pristine forests of Norway
Guarantee Three: 100% Natural Frequency Formula® transmissions to all Boom! Frequency Wristbands at least 96 times per day for 365 days from date of receipt and registration online. Optional additional Personal Frequency Formulas available from 2016 onwards.
Bonus Guarantee: 100% Transparency: latest science-based evidence shared with you as soon as we know about it
In line with current legal restrictions on energy medicine, we are unable to report on any health benefits.
The Advertising Standards Authority in the UK (ASA) has the following official position, as quoted from the ASA web site:
“We’ve told marketers of homeopathic treatments and services about whom we’ve received a complaint to remove marketing claims that refer to, or imply, the efficacy of homeopathy for treating or helping specific health conditions. This is because the ASA considers there is insufficient robust scientific evidence to support these claims.”
Our understanding is that the above directive may also extend to all forms of complementary medicine including Frequency Treatments, Bio-field balancing and Bio-Resonance where wording refers to (or implies) the treating of any specific health conditions without robust scientific evidence.
Traditional medical science currently says that if a change cannot be traced back to a material intervention then no relationship can be stated or implied.
This situation may change. For example, currently going before the British Parliament, Lord Saatchi’s Medical Innovation Bill will help doctors to innovate new treatments and cures safely and responsibly for cancer and other diseases.
In the meantime, however, we are unable to directly refer to evidence, reviews or testimonials. We can and do enable users of Boom! technology and supplements to report on their personal views, using third party review software, in compliance with legislation.
To further comply with current legislation, we are obliged to make the following statement:
“We cannot intend or expect any changes on the physical health level by the methods we are using with the Get Your Boom! Back® technology or any of the products we manufacture. If a positive or negative change on the physical health level takes place then we cannot attribute this to any causal connection to the actual use of our Get Your Boom! Back® system or any of our other products. Neither Get Your Boom! Back® nor any of its agents, therapists or practitioners can or do claim to be the causative factor for positive effects on the physical health level of the client.
“Note: When we use the words treat, diagnose, disease, remedy or patient on our web site or in our literature, we only refer to treating and diagnosing energetic imbalances within the Bio-Field and make no claim to effect a change on the material or physical body. We would also like to highlight that when selling or using our Get Your Boom! Back products or services the agent, practitioner and/or the client/customer, may see a reference or indication to organs or part of the body system. Such references do not state the existence of any disease in the referenced organ or body part, but is given as an indicator to the trained practitioner.
“Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of the Get Your Boom! Back® Team. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Get Your Boom! Back and its community of experienced specialists.
“Get Your Boom! Back® products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Having said that, hundreds of satisfied practitioners around the world have successfully improved the lives of thousands of people using the Natural Frequency Formulas used in Get Your Boom! Back technology.
“If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your Doctor, Physician or Health Practitioner before using these products.”
Get Your Boom! Back® is founded with a rebellious spirit and a life-changing objective: to offer revolutionary frequencies and formulas combined with wearable tech designed to aid health and zest. This breakthrough in energy balancing is designed to help you have more sleep, more strength, more life-force. Find your own health and wealth, with clinical trials and hundreds of testimonials. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
We do not make any medical claims about Get Your Boom! Back® products and services. If you have a medical condition or questions and concerns about a health condition please consult with your medical practitioner before use. The statements made for or on behalf of Get Your Boom! Back® have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, the TGA or the ASA. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
We provide food supplements and energy balancing devices which are not substitutes for medical treatment. Hundreds of testimonials report improved wellness but we do not claim any cures or medical treatments. Get Your Boom! Back® may help you to feel better and provides a Triple Guarantee including a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Get Your Boom! Back Triple-Guarantee -
Guarantee One: 100% of purchase price refunded if returned within 30 days. Shipping costs not included.
Guarantee Two: 100% Pure, Organic and Original YTE® direct from the pristine forests of Norway
Guarantee Three: 100% Natural Frequency Formula® transmissions to all Boom! Frequency Wristbands at least 96 times per day for 365 days from date of receipt and registration online. Optional additional Personal Frequency Formulas available from 2016 onwards.
Bonus Guarantee: 100% Transparency: latest science-based evidence shared with you as soon as we know about it
What are some ways that our bodies are electric?
According to Dr Leo McCluskey, each muscle is controlled by motor neurons that reside in the brain in the frontal lobe. These are controlled electrically and are synaptically connected to motor neurons that reside lower down in the brain—as well as motor neurons that reside in the spinal cord. The ones in the brain are called the upper motor neurons, and the one in the spine are called the lower motor neurons.
Dr McCluskey specialises in neurology, including neuromuscular disorders and diseases such as ALS, which is also known as a motor-neuron disease—and colloquially as Lou Gehrig's disease in the USA.
Dr Leo F. McCluskey, MD, MBE, is Medical Director, Penn ALS Association Center at the Penn Comprehensive Neuroscience Center at Pennsylvania Hospital; Director, Electromyography Laboratory at Pennsylvania Hospital, Associate Professor of Neurology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Not everyone enjoys the same frequency cuffs?
Whatever your body most needs, that's what you will receive first.
The Natural Frequency Formula® sent to the Frequency Wristbands contains 480 different patterns of frequency sent 96 times per day, every day.
This Natural Frequency Formula® has been very carefully developed, balanced and tested: it is specifically designed to help with calm, clarity, energy, euphoria, focus and support.
The Natural Frequency Formula® is intended to help you with:
Balancing of all 7 chakras
Healings for the emotional, mental and spiritual body
Corrective connective programmes
Homeopathic and Herbal remedies
Meridian Balance
Meditation Patterns
Releases Far Infrared Wave (FIR) which can help relieve tension and improve the blood circulation.
Releases negative ions to purify blood, activate cells and promotes the balance of the body’s PH
Micro current of 0.06 mA balances the body's bioelectrical field
Accelerates the clearing of toxins.
Soothes sore muscles
Improves recovery from injury
Assists tissue repair
Increases blood flow
Eases muscle fatigue
Promotes healthy metabolism
Relief from inflammation and discomfort
Does everyone get the same feelings of frequency cuffs?
Human beings learn in three different ways. Each person has a preferred way of receiving new information through one of three senses: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Vision (seeing) and audition (hearing) are clear enough, but kinesthesia might require an explanation. Kinesthesia is the sensation that tells you where your body parts are. If you were to close your eyes and I moved your arm as though you were, say, waving, you would know where your arm was even though you couldn't see it. That information comes from special receptors in your joints, muscles, and skin. That's kinesthesia.
The combination of visual-auditory-kinesthesia explains how everyone can take in new information through any of the three senses, although most of us have a preferred sense. When learning something new, visual types like to see diagrams, or even just to see words in print. Auditory types prefer descriptions, usually verbal, to which they can listen. Kinesthetic learners like to manipulate objects physically and move their bodies in order to learn.
Cognitive scientists have proved that people differ in their visual and auditory memory abilities. That is, our memory system can store both what things look like and what they sound like.
We use visual memory representations when we create a visual image in our mind's eye. For example, suppose I ask you, "What is the shape of your bedrom?" Most people would say they answer this question by creating a visual image and inspecting it. A great deal of work by experimental psychologists during the 1970s showed that such images do have a lot of properties in common with vision: there's overlap between your "mind's eye" and the parts of your brain that allow you to see.
We also store some memories as sound, such as your Mother's voice, the theme tune of a favourite programme or your mobile phone's ringtone. If you are asked, for example, "Who has a deeper voice: your Father or your neighbour?" you will probaly try to imagine each person's voice and compare them. We are able to store both visual and auditory memories and each of us varies in how effectively we can do so. Some of us have very detailed and vivid visual and auditory memories; others of us do not.
Cognitive scientists have also shown that we don't store all of our memories as sights or sounds. We also store memories in terms of what they mean to us. For example, if you hear some news, you might retain the visual and auditory details of the story (for example, how the person telling the story looked and sounded), but you might remember only the content of the story without remembering any of the auditory or visual aspects of being told. Meaning has a life of its own, independent of sensory details.
Most people are made up of a combination of all three of these types of learning senses. Some are heavily weighted to one in particular. Less than one-third of us are kinesthetic - and these people often "feel" the most, the fastest, when first receiving a Boom! Frequency Wristband.
People who are empathic also often feel their Boom! Frequency Wristband very quickly. If you are an empath, you are likely to also easily connect with animals, find it hard to watch violence, cruelty, or tragedy on TV or films, have an instant "knowing" about the character of someone you first meet. You may be highly sensitive to the energy and the emotions of people, animals, and sometimes places too: you can seem to experience the world around you and feel what other people are feeling through heightened senses and intuitions.
People who practice yoga, meditation and regular prayer are often very sensitive to the frequency patterns received through the Boom! Frequency Wristband.
If this doesn't sound like you, you will find that the Natural Frequency Formula® received through your Boom! Frequency Wristband will still affect your body. Some patterns have been in use for more than 5,000 years; all for over a decade.
What is Tourmaline?
Get Your Boom! Back is the world's most innovative manufacturer of Boom! Frequency Wristbands for men, women and children. (Look out for our "Fur Family" range for horses and pets, coming soon.)
By harnessing the unique powers of Tourmaline, Boom! Frequency Wristbands release Negative Ions, Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and Alpha Waves.
Boom! Frequency Wristbands have one of the highest negative ion output (4000+) of any ion band in the world.
Key facts about Tourmaline:
Tourmaline is a naturally-occurring semi-precious gemstone that was first discovered in Sri Lanka in 1703.
Tourmaline is historically believed to be a source of “chi energy”, the concept upon which the 5,000-year-old Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) is based.
Tourmaline is the highest-energy crystal in the world, known as the Electric Stone"
Laboratory experiments performed by Pierre and Jacques Curie way back in 1880 proved that Tourmaline generates a weak electrical charge.
Tourmaline's electrical charge produces far infrared photon energy, negative ions, and alpha waves.
These three main characteristics of Tourmaline combine to provide many benefits to our health.
Tourmaline is a semi-precious, naturally occurring gemstone which we embed within each Boom! Frequency Wristband.
Tourmaline is also known as Dravite Schorl
Tourmaline neutralises positive ions from all electrical equipment.
Tourmaline comes in a variety of beautiful colours including several shades of amber, red, pink, yellow, purple, blue, green, black, brown, translucent and clear.
Our Boom! Frequency Wristbands are embedded with powdered Black Tourmaline within the high quality silicone, during the manufacturing process. This makes the entire wristband a high-powered source continually emitting Negative Ions, Alpha Waves and Far Infrared Rays (FIR).
Each Boom! Frequency Wristband is designed with the highest silicone to Tourmaline ratio possible without degrading the stretch qualities of the silicone, so that you get an incredibly powerful product that is extremely stretchy and durable unlike other titanium, rubber or fabric bracelets.
Tourmaline is the highest-energy crystal in the world. In 1880, lab experiments performed by scientists - Pierre and Jacques Curie (Physics Nobel Prize winners) - proved that Tourmaline generates a weak electrical charge when it is heated (pyroelectricity) or when pressure is applied to its surface (piezoelectricity). Your body naturally emits heat which warms the Boom! Frequency Wristband, activating the Tourmaline. This is why tourmaline is known as "The Electric Stone".
Additional scientific research in Japan confirmed that Tourmaline carries a constant electrical charge of 0.06mA as well as having magnetic properties. Japanese researchers also found that all high quality Tourmaline, whether in solid rock or powdered, is still capable of conveying an electric current. The powdered Black Tourmaline embedded into each Boom! Frequency Wristband continues to emit an electrical charge and maintain its physical properties. This electrical charge enables Tourmaline to produce Negative Ions, Alpha Waves and Far Infrared Rays (FIR).
We all know that the sun is responsible for life. The sun is constantly bathing the earth in a continuous stream of negatively charged electrons. These electrons enter the positively charged side of Tourmaline and exit through the negative side. Tourmaline NEVER runs out of power so lasts a lifetime.
What is Far Infrared Ray Therapy?
Far infrared rays (FIR) are part of the infrared spectrum with longer wave length. We can’t see this part of the light spectrum but we feel it as heat.
Tourmaline is a natural source of ions and FIR. FIR has three properties: radiation, deep penetration, and resonance absorption. All humans send and receive FIR waves. The range of infrared waves generated by the body is 3 to 50 microns. The greatest output is around 9.4, which is very close to the resonant frequency of a water molecule. This similarity makes sense since our bodies are almost 70% water.
What are the benefits tourmaline?
It is important to understand the effects that positive ions have on our bodies.
High concentrations of positive ions (and lack of negative ions) are associated with most of the daily environmental stressors including exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, pesticides, dust, radiation from high-voltage power lines, computers, mobile/cell phones and electric appliances. These positive ions create free radicals.
Recent research has demonstrated that the significant levels of tissue damage found in heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia is caused
by an overabundance of ‘free radicals.’ When present in excess, this group of rogue chemicals produce a state of ‘oxidative stress’ within the body which
initiates a cascade of physiological changes leading to disease long before clinical symptoms are present.
According to Dr Ross Grant of the Australasian Research Institute, in Australia and much of the developed world, the top five causes of death are:
Vascular disease including heart disease and
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD)
These diseases account for >70% of all deaths in Australia, for instance, and are predominantly influenced by our lifestyle choices and not, as many people believe, by pre-existing genetic dispositions, which can play only a small role in disease development.
Dr Ross Grant is CEO and a founding member of the ARI. Dr Grant is a biochemical pharmacologist with post graduate degrees in both Clinical Biochemistry and Pharmacolgy,lecturing at UNSW in Pharmacology in the School of Medical Sciences.
Tourmaline converts moisture in the air into negative ions which neutralize the free radicals created by positive ions.
The Tourmaline we embed within each Boom! Frequency Wristband naturally emits high levels of negative ions. You won't find a higher output negative ion wearable product anywhere in the world: Boom! Frequency Wristbands emit over 4000 negative ions per cubic centimetre per second.
In addition to negative ions, the electrical charge in Tourmaline produces far infrared photon energy, also known as Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and alpha waves.
What frequency is sent to our cuffs frequency?
The Natural Frequency Formula® sent to the Frequency Wristbands contains 480 different patterns of frequency sent 96 times per day, every day.
This Natural Frequency Formula® has been very carefully developed, balanced and tested: it is specifically designed to help with calm, clarity, energy, euphoria, focus and support.
The Natural Frequency Formula® is intended to help you with:
Incorporating a 3x Active Initial Alignment
Remedies for the comprehensive balancing of all 7 chakras including 15 items of affirmations for the different chakras
Healings for the emotional, mental and spiritual body
Corrective connective programmes
Homeopathic and Herbal remedies
Meridian Balance
Meditation Patterns
Releases Far infrared wave, which can help relieve tension and improve the blood circulation. See below to find out more about FAR infrared waves.
Releases negative ions to purify blood, activate cells and promotes the balance of the body’s PH.
Micro current of 0.06 mA, to balance the body bioelectrical.
Accelerates the clearing of toxins.
What we can expect to feel when wearing the bracelet?
Different people feel different things from the Natural Frequency Formula® transmitted to the Boom! Frequency Wristbands.
The 480 different patterns of frequency sent 96 times per day, every day are specifically designed to help with calm, clarity, energy, euphoria, focus and support.
Some people report a "wave of calm" through the chest. Others feel clarity of mind and less scattered thoughts. Some people tell us of pain relief, tingles or sensations in specific areas of the body.
In line with current legal restrictions on energy medicine, we are unable to report on any health benefits. For instance, the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK (ASA) has the following official position, as quoted from the ASA web site:
“We’ve told marketers of homeopathic treatments and services about whom we’ve received a complaint to remove marketing claims that refer to, or imply, the efficacy of homeopathy for treating or helping specific health conditions. This is because the ASA considers there is insufficient robust scientific evidence to support these claims.”
Our understanding is that the above directive may also extend to all forms of complementary medicine including Frequency Treatments, Bio-field balancing and Bio-Resonance where wording refers to (or implies) the treating of any specific health conditions without robust scientific evidence.
Traditional medical science currently says that if a change cannot be traced back to a material intervention then no relationship can be stated or implied.
This situation may change. For example, currently going before the British Parliament, Lord Saatchi’s Medical Innovation Bill will help doctors to innovate new treatments and cures safely and responsibly for cancer and other diseases.
In the meantime, however, we are unable to directly refer to evidence, reviews or testimonials. We can and do enable users of Boom! technology and supplements to report on their personal views, using third party review software, in compliance with legislation.
To further comply with current legislation, we are obliged to make the following statement:
“We cannot intend or expect any changes on the physical health level by the methods we are using with the Get Your Boom! Back® technology or any of the products we manufacture. If a positive or negative change on the physical health level takes place then we cannot attribute this to any causal connection to the actual use of our Get Your Boom! Back® system or any of our other products. Neither Get Your Boom! Back® nor any of its agents, therapists or practitioners can or do claim to be the causative factor for positive effects on the physical health level of the client.
“Note: When we use the words treat, diagnose, disease, remedy or patient on our web site or in our literature, we only refer to treating and diagnosing energetic imbalances within the Bio-Field and make no claim to effect a change on the material or physical body. We would also like to highlight that when selling or using our Get Your Boom! Back products or services the agent, practitioner and/or the client/customer, may see a reference or indication to organs or part of the body system. Such references do not state the existence of any disease in the referenced organ or body part, but is given as an indicator to the trained practitioner.
“Disclaimer: The contents of this website are based upon the opinions of the Get Your Boom! Back® Team. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Get Your Boom! Back and its community of experienced specialists.
“Get Your Boom! Back® products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Having said that, hundreds of satisfied practitioners around the world have successfully improved the lives of thousands of people using the Natural Frequency Formulas used in Get Your Boom! Back technology.
“If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your Doctor, Physician or Health Practitioner before using these products.”
Get Your Boom! Back® is founded with a rebellious spirit and a life-changing objective: to offer revolutionary frequencies and formulas combined with wearable tech designed to aid health and zest. This breakthrough in energy balancing is designed to help you have more sleep, more strength, more life-force. Find your own health and wealth, with clinical trials and hundreds of testimonials. As Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
We do not make any medical claims about Get Your Boom! Back® products and services. If you have a medical condition or questions and concerns about a health condition please consult with your medical practitioner before use. The statements made for or on behalf of Get Your Boom! Back® have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, the TGA or the ASA. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
We provide food supplements and energy balancing devices which are not substitutes for medical treatment. Hundreds of testimonials report improved wellness but we do not claim any cures or medical treatments. Get Your Boom! Back® may help you to feel better and provides a Triple Guarantee including a 100% Money Back Guarantee*:
Get Your Boom! Back Products are Triple-Guaranteed -
Guarantee One: 100% of purchase price refunded if returned within 30 days. Shipping costs not included.
Guarantee Two: 100% Pure, Organic and Original YTE® direct from the pristine forests of Norway
Guarantee Three: 100% Natural Frequency Formula® transmissions to all Boom! Frequency Wristbands at least 96 times per day for 365 days from date of receipt and registration online. Optional additional Personal Frequency Formulas available from 2016 onwards.
Bonus Guarantee: 100% Transparency: latest science-based evidence shared with you as soon as we know about it
The Natural Frequency Formula® is intended to help you with:
Balancing of all 7 chakras
Healings for the emotional, mental and spiritual body
Corrective connective programmes
Homeopathic and Herbal remedies
Meridian Balance
Meditation Patterns
Releases Far Infrared Wave (FIR) which can help relieve tension and improve the blood circulation.
Releases negative ions to purify blood, activate cells and promotes the balance of the body’s PH
Micro current of 0.06 mA balances the body's bioelectrical field
Accelerates the clearing of toxins.
Soothes sore muscles
Improves recovery from injury
Assists tissue repair
Increases blood flow
Eases muscle fatigue
Promotes healthy metabolism
Relief from inflammation and discomfort
How do I register and activate my bracelet?
Not any of the frequencies have a sobering effect cleaning and pineal gland?
Yes, many of the frequency patterns are specifically designed to have a cleansing and awakening effect on the pineal gland.
According to Wikipedia, "The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, conarium or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns in both seasonal and circadian rhythms.
"Its shape resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join.
"Nearly all vertebrate species possess a pineal gland (including humans).
"A parietal eye, also known as a third eye or pineal eye, is a part of the epithalamus present in some animal species. The eye is photoreceptive and is associated with the pineal gland, regulating circadian rhythmicity and hormone production for thermoregulation."
How long before I see the effects Amino Boosters?
Typically customers say within 7 - 14 days they usually notice a difference from taking the Amino Boosters. However we have customers who noticed differences in the quality of their sleep in as little as 2-3 days.
The interesting and key point is that every persons body is different and needs different things they may be deficient in so there is not a one size fits all answer to this question.
The YTE medical studies were all showing significant differences in peoples muscle recovery, stress levels, libido and more within 4 weeks.
Regards, Sacha, The GYBB Support Team
Are Amino suitable for vegetarians and vegans Boosters?
Unfortunately they are not because YTE is sourced from Fertilised Hen's eggs.
What is Amino Boosters?
Everything you need to know about the Amino Boosters is on the following pages.
About Amino Acids
YTE Clinical / Medical Studies
How many Amino Boosters should take?
To get the daily dose of YTE that was used in the medical studies requires you to take 4 capsules per day. This can be done by taking 4 at once or spread them out 2 in the morning and 2 at dinner time.
If being used for sports purposes the dose can be increased to 8 per day. This will see increased muscle strength and recovery for anyone participating in sporting activities or body building.